“Sedimentos” will be screened on Tues November 30th at 21:30. Be sure to have an access code and reload this page at the start time. Please go the Overkill Film Program to get codes and see what other films will be screened.

Sediments, 2021 | SPAIN | 89 MIN
Like the Earth, our interior is formed by different strata, which forge our identity and tell our life story. What circumstances intervene in this process and make us become who we are today?
Six trans women travel to a small town in León where they will explore unusual landscapes, as well as the ins and outs of their own personalities. Looking for answers about what connects them as a group, they will learn to deal with their differences.
Sediments is an engaging and fun story about empathy, individuality, and the need to belong. It is the present radiography of a collective, which looks into the past and projects itself into the future, celebrating the extraordinary possibility of being unique and unrepeatable.